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Dental care right outside your classrooms at no cost to your school!
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The Crisis Schools Face
1 in 7 children (6-12) are suffering from tooth pain right now.
Over 51 million school hours are lost each year due to poor dental health.
Over 50% of Children on Medicaid don't regularly see a dentist.
Dental disease is the most common but preventable childhood illness...
Learn More About The Crisis
Don't Take Our Word For It
Hear from the great people we serve
As always, it was a pleasure having the Mobile Dentist team visit our school. Our children certainly are fortunate to have such a wonderful and beneficial opportunity!
Joanne Conn School Nurse
The team was wonderful. They worked through their lunch to fit in all my students. The students and parents were so pleased with the dental care. The delivery was organized and effective, and minimally disruptive to the school day. I can’t wait to have them at our school again.
Sarah Kupchick RN, BSN, CSN
The dental team has a wealth of expertise in pediatric dentistry and ensures students have a comfortable experience. They eliminate the fear some students may have of going to the dentist. The team also informs me of the most severe cases, so I may follow up with the parents to ensure restorative care is executed.
Sharon Wingfield Assistant Principal, Horace Mann Academy
The staff was so efficient and did a great job with our kids!
Abby Phillips Health Clerk
This is a very important program for public schools!
Betty Girsch, RN School Nurse
Your staff was really kid friendly! For some children this was their first experience with the dentist and the Smile Pennsylvania dental team really gave our children excellent dental services. Stephen Girard Elementary School in Philadelphia looks forward to your visits in the future.
Andrea McCoy, CSN, BSN, MHed School Nurse
Your service is most welcome at our school. It provides our children with the care that they would otherwise not receive. THANKS SO MUCH!
Serena Taylor Secretary, Duchesne Elementary School
This is such a wonderful program…the children ask frequently when the dentist is coming back! We are such a rural area that the closest dental facility that accepts some insurance programs is 90 minutes away. That means a full day of missed work for the parent, a full day of missed school for the student, and a very long drive. Thank you so much!
Susan O’Bier RN, Northumberland Elementary School
Smile New York is a wonderful in-school dental prevention program. Our students were engaged and excited about the dentist visiting. It was beneficial to have so many of our students receive dental health services and walk out with clean and treated teeth. The dental staff was caring, supportive, and professional. Our overall experience was great!
Audra Jimenez Director of Counseling and Student Support Services
This is an excellent service for students and parents.
Tony Reece School Finance Officer/School Records Data Management, Mountain Park Elementary School